STEM Loyola Guidelines

1Programming and Data Structures in C++A practical and concise guideline that provides a strong foundation in the programming and data structures concepts that are needed to become competitive in STEM Loyola programming challengesdownload
2Algorithms and Problem Solving in C++A practical and concise guideline that demonstrates typical algorithms used in the STEM Loyola challenges and how they can be used to solve problems using programmingN/A


1Recommended IDEsA list of recommended IDEs for C/C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, and Java
2Visual Studio for C++ 2017 Installation (Windows)Guide for installing and setting up Visual Studio in Windows to be able to run C++ 2017
3Setup CodeBlocks for C++ 2017 (Linux (Ubuntu))Guide for installing and setting up CodeBlocks in Ubuntu to be able to run C++ 2017
4Quick Reference Guides and ManualsA collection of useful quick reference guides, tutorials, manuals and cheat sheets for Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
5Contest Registration GuideA guide on creating an account in the contest platform