Contest Registration Guide

Last updated on 9 December 2019

Note: Contest registration will be closed before a challenge begins and disabled while the challenge is in progress.

Visit to create your account. Please refer to the details below on the specific details needed and how to fill in your details.

Contest Registration Page
1UsernameChoose a private and unique username that you will use to login. Can only contain letters, numbers, underscore, hyphen, and @ sign. You can use your email address as a username. Username cannot contain space
2PasswordEnter and confirm a strong password for your account
3Team NameThis is a publicly displayed name. Must be your official first and last names, otherwise your account will be deleted
4AffiliationChoose “Use existing affiliation” and then select “Loyola High School” from the drop-down menu. If you have graduated (form four or six) and are currently not a student, select “Loyola Alumni”