Past Challenge

Last updated on 7 May 2019

For the Novice

Bouncing Ball (Part 1)



This is a multipart challenge. In the first part, you are given a moving ball and your task is to restrict its position within the screen window (width=800, height=600), hence creating the bouncing illusion.

Note: (1) A video tutorial is available to support solving this challenge.
(2) Python and JavaScript resources are available.

Commands for the Python graphics available here
Support video for Python available here
Support video for JavaScript: Coming Soon!
Download Resources for:
#Programming LanguageResources
1Python (all beginners)download
2JavaScript (optional Computer Science)download

For the Experienced

Forbidden List of Primes



As the legend goes, a mysterious list of 100,000 numbers was discovered at Nungwi (the northernmost part of Unguja island). As neither the origin nor the purpose of the numbers were ever ascertained, a Mathematics professor from the University of Dar es Salaam spent one weekend analyzing the list for any interesting information. After two days of intensive work, the professor realized that the list contains only 777 prime numbers. For unknown reasons, she called these 777 numbers as the forbidden primes.

You are given the entire list of 100,000 numbers (each number on its own line) and your task is to find the largest of the forbidden primes. Extra credit shall be awarded if you can find the ten (10) largest forbidden primes from the list.

Note: Your program should take less than 777 seconds to find the solution. Extra credit shall be awarded for programs that take less than 7 seconds.

Recommended tutorial series: C++ Advanced Tutorial
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#Programming LanguageResources